Mortgage Application Checklist
In order for us to process your loan in a quick and timely manner, please provide the documents below.

Verification of Employment and Income
Personal tax returns for past two years, including all schedules and W-2s
Paycheck stubs for most recent 30 days
Retirement and/or Social Security Award letter(s) for most recent year
Bank statements, all pages even if blank, for past two months or last quarter
Tax bill, homeowner’s insurance policy and mortgage statement for all real estate owned
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If Self-Employed
Business tax returns for past two years, including all schedules
Year-to-date profit and loss statement
Current balance sheet
If You Are Purchasing
Fully executed purchase agreement including addendums
Copy of earnest money deposit check
If You Are Refinancing
Copy of warranty deed, if available
Copy of title insurance policy, if available
Survey, if available
Homeowner’s insurance policy
Flood insurance policy, if applicable
If Mobile Home Loan
Copy of driver’s license
Mobile home titles
If Applying for a Construction-to-Permanent Loan
Plans, specs, and details of all costs, provided by builder
Copy of construction contract
Copy of deed and/or owner’s title insurance policy of property is owned