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Chart of the Day: Names/Times of Market

Today’s Chart of the Day from CFRA Research goes all the way back to 1945 and shows the average number of months it takes to “recover” from market..

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chart shows 1920 to 2005, data shown by black line

Chart of the Day: Holding Period

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Dresdner Kleinwort Macro Research and notes the average holding period of stocks since 1920.

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Chart of the Day: 20% Increase in Insurance

Today’s Chart is from Charlie Bilello, with data from the US Bureau of Labor, showing that auto insurance has increased more than 20% from last year.

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Increase from 1950 - 2020 shown in blue line on chart

Chart of the Day: Increasing Chances to Reach Age 100

Today’s Chart of the Day shows the percentage of people who have reached the age of 100.

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 Today's Chart shows a 25% cumulative increase in grocery and dining-out expenses since 2020, as illustrated from the Wall Street Journal, using Labor Department data. Additionally, the analysis highlights a 30-year high, with 11% of disposable income designated for food expenditures. The rise is attributed to elevated labor and food costs, with anticipated exacerbation due to forthcoming higher minimum wage laws.

Chart of the Day: 25% More for Food

Today’s Chart of the Day is from the Wall Street Journal utilizing data from the Labor Department, showing that you are not imagining things; there..

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Charts show number of realtors per 1,000 jobs divided by state

Chart of the Day: Number of Real Estate Agents

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Dr. Torsten Slok from Apollo and shows the number of real estate agents per 1,000 jobs.

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Line chart illustrating the decline in average family size from 3.3 in 1960 to 2.5 today. Decrease began in 1965 with the enactment of the Social Security Act. Recent decreases, although stabilizing, are attributed to families having fewer children.

Chart of the Day: Family Size is Shrinking

Today's chart, sourced from Apollo and the Census Bureau data, illustrates a decline in the average family size from 3.3 members per household in..

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 chart ranges from 30 to 65, but green circles representing how many times your salary you should have saved. 30 = 1, over 65 = 10

Chart of the Day: Age vs. Salary Saved

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Yahoo Finance with estimates by Fidelity. It shows a general rule of thumb for financial planning for how much..

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Today's Chart of the Day shows a graph with a blue line representing the ebbs and flows of the total number of all the stocks in the US. The high point was in the 1990's with 7,500 stocks and the low point being now, with only 3,700.

Chart of the Day: All Stocks Index

Today’s Chart comes from an article in Barron’s with information from Wilshire Indexes. The “Wiltshire 5000” is an index similar to the S&P 500, with..

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Chart showing the growing gap between life expectancy (blue line) and health-adjusted life expectancy, or Healthspan, (blue line) by year and age.

Chart of the Day: Lifespan vs. Healthspan

Today’s Chart of the Day is from A Teachable Moment by Tony Isola and one to keep in the back of your mind.

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Bar graph illustrating S&P 500 1-Year, 3-Year and 5-Year average cumulative returns from 1988 to 2020, comparing returns in investing on any day (light green) vs investing at all-time highs (dark green).

Chart of the Day: Invest at the Record High

Today’s Chart, from Peter Mallouk via the Chart Report, shows the average cumulative S&P 500 returns from 1998 to 2020.

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Chart of the Day: Car Insurance Up 37%

Today’s Chart of the Day from Bloomberg with data from the US Bureau of Labor shows the inflation of car insurance (black) vs. everything else (blue)..

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Map of US states colored based on population changes from 2020 to 2023.

Chart of the Day: Florida is Second in the Nation

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Apollo Global Management with data from the Census Bureau showing the change in population by state from July..

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stock market in blue, 10-Year Treasury in green

Chart of the Day: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Today’s Chart of the Day from with data from shows the rolling 10-year return of the market going back 85 years.

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Factors Over Time

Today’s Chart of the Day is a perennial favorite for some clients and shows the annual stock market performance of several factors. "Factors" is the..

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Samuel A. Kiburz, Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Officer

Samuel serves as Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Officer for the Crews family of banks. He manages the individual investment holdings of his clients, including individuals, families, foundations, and institutions throughout the State of Florida. Samuel has been involved in banking since 1996 and has more than 20 years experience working in wealth management.

Investments are not a deposit or other obligation of, or guaranteed by, the bank, are not FDIC insured, not insured by any federal government agency, and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of principal.

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Recent Posts

Chart of the Day: Names/Times of Market

Today’s Chart of the Day from CFRA Research goes all the way back to 1945 and shows the average number of months it takes to “recover” from market declines.


Chart of the Day: Holding Period

Today’s Chart of the Day is from Dresdner Kleinwort Macro Research and notes the average holding period of stocks since 1920.


Chart of the Day: 20% Increase in Insurance

Today’s Chart is from Charlie Bilello, with data from the US Bureau of Labor, showing that auto insurance has increased more than 20% from last year.


Chart of the Day: Increasing Chances to Reach Age 100

Today’s Chart of the Day shows the percentage of people who have reached the age of 100.


Chart of the Day: 25% More for Food

Today’s Chart of the Day is from the Wall Street Journal utilizing data from the Labor Department, showing that you are not imagining things; there has been a cumulative 25% increase in the cost of groceries and dining out since 2020. The article also notes we are at a 30-year high, with 11% of disposable income allocated towards spending on food, stemming from higher labor and food costs. Finally, increased minimum wages coming into effect could exacerbate the issue.


Chart of the Day: Number of Real Estate Agents

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Dr. Torsten Slok from Apollo and shows the number of real estate agents per 1,000 jobs.


Chart of the Day: Family Size is Shrinking

Today's chart, sourced from Apollo and the Census Bureau data, illustrates a decline in the average family size from 3.3 members per household in 1960 to 2.5 in 2023.


Chart of the Day: Age vs. Salary Saved

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Yahoo Finance with estimates by Fidelity. It shows a general rule of thumb for financial planning for how much you should have invested at different ages by multiplying your current salary by a specific number (based on your age) to prepare for retirement. Investments can also include things like real estate, businesses, and future inheritances.


Chart of the Day: All Stocks Index

Today’s Chart comes from an article in Barron’s with information from Wilshire Indexes. The “Wiltshire 5000” is an index similar to the S&P 500, with the difference being that instead of the largest 500 stocks in the S&P, the Wiltshire 5000 represents all of the investable stocks in the United States. Some argue the Wilshire 5000 is a better representation of the health of the stock market, but that is a longer discussion for another day.  


Chart of the Day: Lifespan vs. Healthspan

Today’s Chart of the Day is from A Teachable Moment by Tony Isola and one to keep in the back of your mind.


Chart of the Day: Invest at the Record High

Today’s Chart, from Peter Mallouk via the Chart Report, shows the average cumulative S&P 500 returns from 1998 to 2020.


Chart of the Day: Car Insurance Up 37%

Today’s Chart of the Day from Bloomberg with data from the US Bureau of Labor shows the inflation of car insurance (black) vs. everything else (blue) going back to 1970.


Chart of the Day: Florida is Second in the Nation

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from Apollo Global Management with data from the Census Bureau showing the change in population by state from July 2020 to July 2023.


Chart of the Day: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Today’s Chart of the Day from with data from shows the rolling 10-year return of the market going back 85 years.


Factors Over Time

Today’s Chart of the Day is a perennial favorite for some clients and shows the annual stock market performance of several factors. "Factors" is the name the market assigns to certain types of stocks. For instance: Growth stocks are those that have higher growth rates and often do not have a dividend; vs. Value stocks which are generally older, more established, and pay a dividend. Other factors are Small, Mid, and Large, Real Estate, International, and High Dividend. The “Chiclet Chart," as one client calls it, displays how each factor performs as compared to the others over time. It makes a visual case to be diversified into each to reduce volatility, since some do better one year and not the next. 
